# ToDo (data preparation): # 1. Download MOD13Q1 data at https://lpdaacsvc.cr.usgs.gov/appeears/ # 2. Create two folders, where you will store all data, one for the EVI files and one for the Pixel Reliability files, # e.g. C:/Data_EVI and C:/Data_Pixel_Reliability. # 3. In both folders for each day of the year (DOY) create one subfolder. The name of each folder must start with "DOY_", e.g. DOY_033. # 4. Rename the files by addding a prefix following the pattern DOY_YYYY_, e.g. 033_2001 or 001_2005. # Total Commander is a useful tool to rename multiple files. (Download Link: http://www.ghisler.com/index.htm) # Renaming the files is important to automatize the filenames and the titles of the resulting maps. # 6. Sort the EVI and Pixel Reliability data according to the DOY in the respective folders # 7. Create another subfolder within the EVI data folder called "shape". Store the shapefile with the country border here. # 8. Adjust the capture of the resulting jpg map to fit your area of interest in line 116 # installing relevant packages install.packages("raster") # you only have to do this once install.packages("rgdal") # you only have to do this once install.packages("sp") # you only have to do this once library(raster) library(rgdal) library(sp) # load borders border <- shapefile("C:/User/MOD13Q1/Data/shape/gadm36_GTM_0.shp") # ToDo: insert link to the shapefile with the country borders # download country borders as shapefiles: http://www.gadm.org/download path <- "C:/User/MOD13Q1/Data/Data_EVI" # ToDo: enter link to the folder where you have stored the MODIS EVI data dlist <- dir(path,pattern="DOY") path_c <- "C:/User/MOD13Q1/Data/Data_Pixel_Reliability" # ToDo: enter link to the folder where you have stored the MODIS Pixel Reliability data dlist_c <- dir(path_c,pattern="DOY") path_jpg <- "C:/User/MOD13Q1/Data/SVI_Maps_Guatemala_jpg" # ToDo: enter the link to the folder where you want to store the resulting .jpg-images. path_tif <- "C:/User/MOD13Q1/Data/SVI_Maps_Guatemala_jpg" # ToDo: enter the link to the folder where you want to store the resulting .tif-files. pb <- txtProgressBar (min=0, max=length(dlist), style=1) # this creates a progress bar in the Console, # which ends at the end of the loop. The proegress bar looks like this: ========= setTxtProgressBar (pb, 0) for (i in 1:length(dlist)) { # start of the outer for-loop fold <- paste(path,dlist[i],sep="/") # the respective DOY folder of the Data_EVI folder fls <- dir(fold,pattern=".tif") # all files that are available in the respective EVI DOY folder flsp <-paste(fold,fls,sep="/") # all files that are available in the respective EVI DOY folder with complete path name evistack <- stack(flsp) # creates a layer stack of all files within the EVI DOY folder eviresize<- crop(evistack,border) # resizes the EVI layer stack to the rectangular extent of the border shapefile evimask<-mask(eviresize,border) # masks the EVI layer stack using the border shapefile evi<-evimask*0.0001 # rescaling of MODIS EVI data evi[evi==-0.3]<-NA # EVI fill value(-0,3) in NA evi[evi<(0)]<-NA # as we are only interested in vegetation valid EVI range is 0 to 1 and all EVI values smaller than 0 set to NA fold_c <- paste(path_c,dlist_c[i],sep="/") # the respective DOY folder of the Data_Pixel_Reliability folder fls_c <- dir(fold_c,pattern=".tif") # all files that are available in the respective Pixel Reliability DOY folder flsp_c <-paste(fold_c,fls_c,sep="/") # all files that are available in the respective Pixel Reliability DOY folder with complete path name cloudstack <- stack(flsp_c) # creates a layer stack of all files within the Pixel Relaibility DOY folder cloudresize<- crop(cloudstack,border) # resizes the Pixel Reliability layer stack to the rectangular extent of the border shapefile cloudmask<-mask(cloudresize,border) # masks the Pixel Reliability layer stack using the border shapefile cloudmask[cloudmask==(3)]<-NA # Pixel Reliability rank 3 pixels (cloudy) set to NA cloudmask[cloudmask==(2)]<-NA # Pixel Reliability rank 2 pixels (snow&ice) set to NA cloudmask[cloudmask==(0)]<-1 # Pixel Reliability rank 0 pixels (good quality) set to 1 cloudmask[cloudmask>(3)]<-NA # as valid Pixel Reliability range is -1 to 3, all Pixel Reliability values >3 set to NA # (as -1 rank pixels show value 255) evi_c=evi*cloudmask # multiplying the EVI layer stack by the Pixel Reliability layer stack # to get one single layer stack with applied cloud mask # extracting mean and standard deviation for each pixel evimean <- stackApply (evi_c, rep (1, nlayers (evi)), mean, na.rm=T) #calculating the mean for the layer stack for each individual pixel evisd <- stackApply (evi_c, rep (1, nlayers (evi)), sd, na.rm=T) #calculating the standard deviation for the layer stack for each individual pixel # if na.rm is TRUE NA values are ignored, otherwise an NA value in any of the arguments will cause a value of NA to be returned, # https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-devel/library/base/html/Extremes.html SVI_all <- ((evi_c-evimean)/evisd) #calculating SVI # define breaks and color scheme stdev <- cellStats(SVI_all, stat='sd') # calculating the standard deviation for each layer of the raster data, # returning as many values as number of input layers stdev2 <- 2*stdev # 2 standard deviations, returning as many values as number of input layers stdev15 <- 1.5*stdev # 1.5 standard deviations, returning as many values as number of input layers breaksSVI <- c(-4, -stdev2, -stdev15, -stdev, stdev, stdev15, stdev2, 4) # definition of the breaks of the resulting maps based on statistics # (standard deviation), returning as many values as number of input layers # times 6 (i.e. 6 values for each of the 15 layers) plus 2 # (the -4 in the beginning and 4 in the end) l <- nlayers(SVI_all) x <- seq(2, 6*l+1, l) colorsSVI<-c('#4C0E0D', '#E72223', '#F19069', '#F9F6C6', '#64B14B', '#04984A', '#00320E') # definition of the color scheme of the resulting maps fold_jpg <- paste(path_jpg) # the respective folder where you want to store the resulting .jpg-images. fold_tif <- paste(path_tif) # the respective folder where you want to store the resulting .tif-files. for (k in 1:nlayers(SVI_all)) { # start of the inner for-loop year <- substr(fls[k],5,8) # extracting the fifth to eigths letter of the filename, which is the year (cf. data preparation above) doy <- substr(fls[k],1,3) # extracting the first to third letter of the filename, which is the DOY (cf. data preparation above) # writeRaster(evi[[k]], filename=paste(fold,"/",doy,"_",year,sep=""), format="ENVI", datatype='FLT4S', overwrite=TRUE) # in case you would like to have Envi files (Attention: note the datatype) jpeg(filename=paste(fold_jpg,"/",doy,"_",year,".jpg",sep=""), quality = 100) # writes the jpg maps and names the files autmatically according to the pattern DOY_YYYY plot(SVI_all[[k]], # zlim=c(0,100), breaks=c(-4, breaksSVI[x], 4), # sets the breaks as defined above col=colorsSVI, # sets the colors as defined above main=paste("SVI"," (EVI)"," sample ",doy," ",year,sep="")) # automizes the title of the plot. # ToDo: Adjust the file naming according to the data you are processing! # E.g. if you base your SVI on EVI data, write (EVI) dev.off() writeRaster(SVI_all[[k]], filename=paste(fold_tif,"/",doy,"_",year,".tif",sep=""), format="GTiff", overwrite=TRUE) # writes the geotiff and automizes the file naming according to the pattern DOY_YYYY } # end of the inner for-loop setTxtProgressBar (pb, i) } # end of the outer for-loop