Get rid of error messages regarding non existing fields

Get rid of error messages regarding non existing fields

[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_internal_information, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_recommendedpractices_details, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_recommendedpractices_stepbystep, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_recommended_practices, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_glidenumber, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_geo_information_resource, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_projects, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: comment, bundle: comment_node_un_spider_training_activity, field name: comment_body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: node, bundle: glidenumber, field name: body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: node, bundle: projects, field name: body
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: node, bundle: glidenumber, field name: upload
[error]  A non-existent config entity name returned by FieldStorageConfigInterface::getBundles(): entity type: node, bundle: projects, field name: upload

The installation shows error messages regarding no longer existing fields which partially existed back in the Drupal 6 version of spider and are long gone. The Update processes from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 however saved this old information in the database. The removal of those definitions can only be done via programming (see, example 3).

By using update hooks in the custom module "practical_use" these errors could be removed one by one.


admin_wla Sun, 17 Oct 2021 - 17:36