20230112 Tasks from 12.01.2023

20230112 Tasks from 12.01.2023
  • Database backups and rsync
    • task for Werner: set up to backup on other system
      • database is being backed up to other system
      • file directory not yet..
  • Date Format
  • Font color (CSS Theme)
  • Concept for Recovery Mechanisms page
    • similar to: https://un-spider.org/space-application/emergency-mechanisms
    • details follow...
    • task for Martin: define content that is supposed to go to the new page
    • task for Werner: define "more uptodate" concept
      • Change Emergency Mechanism page to this new concept
      • Create Recovery Mechanism page based on new concept
  • Concept for better categorization of Data Sources
    • https://un-spider.org/links-and-resources/data-sources
    • e.g. distinction between: Raw Data Sources, Services, Applications
    • Task for Martin: define categorization values
      • create new taxonomy, enter values + translations, include as new field to "Data Sources"
  • Insert a disclaimer in the homepage (landing page). We used to have one in the previous versions, but I did not see it two weeks ago when we were discussing this issue. The disclaimer helps us raise awareness regarding the fact that the Portal is only for information purposes, and that any maps do not represent the official view of the UN on boundaries or territories.   If you cannot find it, I will also look for the text.
    • never existed, however, can be implemented
    • Task for Martin: provide text and where it needs to go...
  • Disclaimer for recommended practices has been implemented...
    • Task for Martin: see if this is needed for practical uses as well...
    • https://un-spider.org/advisory-support/practical-uses/Sendai-Framework-Ad-hoc-indicator-C-2Fo-Intro
  • Q1: Interns as new users, how to handle?
    • Task for Martin: create users with role "interns", see if permissions are sufficient
    • specific role for translator...
      • introduction for translator intern needed, meeting with Werner
  • Front page: separate pager news and events...
    • currently, both pagers are linked. If I change the page of news, page of events changes as well
    • Task for Werner: solve this issue
  • Other Languages...
    • Task for Martin: check with Juan Carlos what other languages are planned, with which priorities and time frame


  • Q2: Language artifacts...
    • Task for Martin: try to find these again
      • comment Martin: tried to find them, but didnt see them anymore... can probably be marked as solved, but I keep it here in case I suddenly find it again...


next meeting: Thu, 26.01.2023 15:00


for documentation, finished since last time:

  • markdown translation to html for spanish site
  • In the right margin of the UN-SPIDER Recommended Practices I would also kindly request that you create an explicit entry on Disclaimer.  This would be below the existing entries.  I just want to make sure that people are aware that results are only for information purposes, and the maps do not have any sort of validation in the field as they are calibrated with ground observations, and also the issue of borders.
    1. implemented in recommended practices
  • At the bottom of the page we have the links to the Regional Support Offices. In the past the RSOs were presented in a “carrousel” mode so that you would see different RSOs.  Now we only see specific ones.   Would you be able to insert again that “carrousel” view to display the logos of all RSOs?
martin.hilljegerdes Fri, 9 Dec 2022 - 12:58
martin hilljegerdes