
country taxonomy block

Identification of the reproduction areas of locust in the North-East of Mauritan , Identification of the reproduction areas of locust in the region of Illizi (Alge , Identification of the reproduction areas of locust in the region of Illizi

Within the framework of its collaboration with the Algerian Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Algerian Space Agency (ASAL) - host to one of UN-SPIDER's Regional Support Offices - has mapped potential locust reproduction zones in the South of Algeria and the North-East of Mauritania. The experts analyzed the ecological conditions of the migratory locust for the period between 18 January and 3 February 2014. This activity was carried out at the request of the National Institute of Protection of Vegetation (INPV), which is in charge of fighting the locust infestation at the national level.

Thirteen satellite images with medium resolution (22 m), supplied by the British Disaster Monitoring Constellation UK-DMC-2, were processed for the maps. These images covered a total area of 935 671 square km...

Publishing date 28/03/2014
Regional Support Offices mentioned: