20230607 Tasks from 07.06.2023

20230607 Tasks from 07.06.2023

Issue (long term)

  • We need an smtp server for un-spider, which allows redirect
    • currently direct mails by php/spider website are block by firewall
      • currently running via Werners account
      • new account needs to be created for un-spider mail server, allowing mailing via website
      • ask Mateja to set this up
  • Work on search function...
    • need to work on the concept; Search API module is installed but not configured and used yet; Default Search module can be deinstalled as soon Search API is configured

New entries (05.05.2023)

Open from previous meetings

  • How to remove navigation for certain recommended practices without breaking everything...
  • Juan Carlos mails requests with security
    • requirements by OICT
    • being dealt with by Werner w/ Mateja
      • waiting for Mateja...
  • Date Format
    • Due to the change of date formats, some tables need to be redesigned (some columns need to be wider)
      • task for Werner: readjust tables as defined by Martin (see mail)
  • Font color (CSS Theme)
  • Concept for better categorization of Data Sources
    • https://un-spider.org/links-and-resources/data-sources
    • e.g. distinction between: Raw Data Sources, Services, Applications
    • Task for Martin: define categorization values
      • create new taxonomy, enter values + translations, include as new field to "Data Sources"
  • Insert a disclaimer in the homepage (landing page). We used to have one in the previous versions, but I did not see it two weeks ago when we were discussing this issue. The disclaimer helps us raise awareness regarding the fact that the Portal is only for information purposes, and that any maps do not represent the official view of the UN on boundaries or territories.   If you cannot find it, I will also look for the text.
    • never existed, however, can be implemented
    • Task for Martin: provide text and where it needs to go...
  • Disclaimer for recommended practices has been implemented...
    • Task for Martin: create and insert block for practical uses
    • https://un-spider.org/advisory-support/practical-uses/Sendai-Framework-Ad-hoc-indicator-C-2Fo-Intro
      • https://un-spider.org/category/tagging/regional-support-office is empty....
        • bad example... there is no taxonomy regional support office
      • Task for Martin: check again what is happening here...
      • Task for Werner: check what is wrong with the taxonomy value pages...
        • URL alias directing to non existing terms
        • taxonomy term does not have content - empty page - "no result behaviour" needs to be adjusted
          • did not work first try, Werner will check


Backlog (not working on this at the moment, but for future task planning purposes)

  • Question: If we wanted to implement a calendar like: https://www.space4water.org/events how would this work?
    • need a module to be installed and a view needs to be created + css to polish...
  • "Referenced RSO" translations..
    • we know the cause of it now and need to monitor it, if translations exist for RSOs, these are also listed in the Referenced RSOs, as soon as the translations are finalised, we can consider to include a filter, to only have the RSOs in the right translation/language, that is currently being used
    • status: Spanish RSOs finished
      • waiting for having French translations of RSOs...
  • Concept for uploading and presenting Juan Carlos publication...
    • as discussed, think about ways how to use the book concept in drupal for this....
    • Juan Carlos suggested to use a format similar to the  Data Application of the Month

Tasks with no solutions at the moment (here for documentation purposes)

  • New role needed
    • Intern w/ permissions to create translations
      • ... working with ICanLocalize Translator role, configured by Werner
      • role was defined and set with needed permissions, but still problems with creating translations... Translator role did not work as planned... Nuria currently using site admin role
      • not solved... translators will need to be site admins for now


Solved since last meeting



Next meeting:

13 July 14:30


To be scheduled (depending on Werner's and Martin's availability):

  • working on broken links script Werner assisting Martin
  • ... also check potential usage of tools for this, instead of creating script
martin.hilljegerdes Wed, 7 Jun 2023 - 13:06