The International Working Group on Satellite based Emergency Mapping (IWG-SEM) published a working document on mapping guidelines. The document will create a baseline for exchange and cooperation among Emergency Mapping Organizations. The guidelines aim to standardize mapping efforts in content management and processing, provide stakeholders with common principles and strategies for data sharing and communication problem solving. The organizations, that decide to implement the recommendations will benefit from easier and better exchange of relevant information, especially valuable in early response phases of disaster events.
The IWG-SEM was founded in April 2012 and is a voluntary group involved in satellite based emergency mapping. The Group is open to membership by representatives of non-for-profit organizations active in the area of Satellite Emergency Mapping. UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER is member of the Group.
You can download the Emergency Mapping Guidelines here. This is a working document and IWG-SEM welcomes your comments, suggestions and feedback to