The Disaster Management Policy and Technology Center (DMPTC) under the Viet Nam Disaster Management Authority was established on the basis of the merger of the Disaster Management Center and Water resource consultant and technology transfer Center – at the Decision No.19 / QĐ- PCTT dated 18/8/2017 of the Viet Nam Disaster Management Authority defining the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structures of the Disaster Management Policy and Technology Center
The Disaster Management Center (DMC) under the Directorate of Water Resources was established in 2010 – at the Decision No.03/2010/QD-TTg dated 25/1/2010 of the Prime Minister.
The main responsibilities of DMC are to co-operate with the Department of Dyke Management, Flood and Storm Control ensuring the operation of the Standing Office for the Central Committee for Flood and Storm Control (CCFSC), consults CCFSC in implementing all activities indicated at the Decision No.14/2010/ND-CP dated 27/2/2010 of the Prime Minister. DMC consults the Directorate of Water Resources undertaking state management functions on natural disaster reduction and climate change adaptation.