DMC Images

Data provided by:DMC International Imaging
Data accessibility:export data, export map, statistical data (e.g. graphs)
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File type:hdf, hdf, hdf, hdf, shp, shp, shp, tiff, wms
Hazard:Forest Fire, Drought, Mass Movement, Earthquake, Tsunami, Flood, Pollution
Disaster cycle phase:Disaster Risk Management, Response, Recovery
Space-based Information:Very high resolution imagery: 2.5m panchromatic, 5m multispectral
4 spectral bands: Red, Green, Blue, Near-Infrared
Imaging modes: stereo, long strip, off-pointing
Up to 2000km along track imaging
2 day revisit
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:22m, 32m, 2.5m and 5m
Temporal coverage:Archive, Forecasted, Near-real time
Tutorials on the use of data:Data sheet 22m