Desplazamiento de masas


Mass movements can be defined as as any type of downslope movement of earth materials, such as sediment, soil and rock material. Mass movements are processes of erosion, transport and accumulation of material that occur on both gentle and steep slopes mainly owing to gravitational forces (IRDR Glossary).

These movements are generally associated with other disasters such as earthquakes, floods, thunderstorms and heavy rainstorm. They can be also associated with manmade hazards like construction roads, buildings, structures, infrastructure facilities.


Facts and figures

Mass movements occur based on several factors and causes differ depending on different regions. Mass movements are affected by the slope gradient, climate, rock type and structure, physical setting and geological and geomorphological outlines (Advances in Geosciences).

Mass-wasting events come in many shapes, sizes and speeds. Typically, the steeper the angle of a slope, the faster will be the down-slope movement of rock and sediment.  Also, water can play a significant role in mass wasting, sometimes acting as the key component to a mass-wasting event, or serving as a lubricant within a mass of sediment and rock, enabling it to travel faster and further than it would otherwise.


One type of mass wasting can evolve into another type of mass wasting as the body of sediment/rock moves down a slope. This can make it difficult to classify a single event as being one type of mass wasting or another (Department of Geological Sciences, California State University).

A simple classification of the different types of mass wasting can be:

  • Falls  (rock fall and rock avalanche)        
  • Slides  (rock slide, landslide and slump)      
  • Flows  (rock avalanche, debris flow, earth flow and creep).

UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices with hazard-specific expertise

Related content on the Knowledge Portal

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  • Several areas of the Rwanda have experienced floods following ongoing above normal heavy rains which resulted in a landslide in Rubavu district on 26th March 2010. Communities in three cells of Rubavu sector are among those most impacted by landslides. As a consequence of heavy rains along the Rwanda hills of Rubavu districts in Western Province; approximately 5,920 people have been affected out of whom approximately 1,184 families are homeless due to destroyed houses and risks.

    Source: GlideNumber

  •  A massive avalanche of mud and rock has buried a small village in northeastern Peru, killing at least 20 people and leaving 25 others missing.

    Source: GlideNumber

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  • A landslide occurred in northwest China's Shaanxi Province on March 10, 2010. It left 26 people dead among the total of 44 trapped.

    Source GLIDEnumber

  • Available Space-based Information for: Landslides in Uganda (03/03/2010)

    At least 300 people, including 100 children, are believed to have been killed when landslides buried three villages in eastern Uganda late on 1 March after heavy rains. Some 2,000 people have been displaced and entire fields of crops ruined.

    Source: GLIDEnumber


    Status Update: 29/03/2010



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  • A huge landslide buried a village in Indonesia's West Java early on Tuesday, killing at least four people and burying 40 others, local media said.

    Source GLIDEnumber

  • 925 people affected by landslide due to continuous rains in Valencia, Cagdianao, Province of Dinagat Islands.


  • As per DPA reporting at least 10 people killed when a massive landslide hit a remote village in Pakistan's mountainous northern areas.


  • Landslides in La Pucara, Chota province, department of Cajamarca, affected 323 people, damaging houses, roads and crop fields.


  • landslide on a mountainside in northern Tanzania triggered by four days of heavy rain has killed at least 20 people.(AlertNet)


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UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices with hazard-specific expertise