Southern Africa

country taxonomy block

Southern Africa is exposed to hydrometeorological, geological, coastal and biological hazards.  The region has been hard hit by droughts in recent years. Tropical cyclone Idai triggered massive floods in Mozambique, Malawi, and Zimbabwe in March 2019, and in 2020 several countries experience a severe locust outbreak.  And unfortunately, COVID-19 continues to impact all countries in this region.

To continue efforts to promote the use of space technologies in disaster risk management, emergency response and recovery efforts, UN-SPIDER and the Centre for Remote Sensing of Land Surfaces of the University of Bonn (ZFL) joined forces to organize the UN-SPIDER / ZFL Regional Virtual Expert Meeting for Southern Africa "Space-based Solutions for Disaster Risk Management and Emergency Response" from 13 to 15 July 2021. This regional expert meeting contributed to the efforts conducted by UN-SPIDER on disaster risk reduction, preparedness, early warning…

Publishing date 19/07/2021

África del Sur está expuesta a amenazas hidrometeorológicas, geológicas, costeras y biológicas. En los últimos años la región ha sufrido los impactos de sequías, inundaciones y plagas de langosta.  La tormenta tropical Idai provocó inundaciones severas en Mozambique, Malawi y Zimbabue en marzo del año 2019 y en el año 2020 varios países tuvieron que afrontar la plaga de langosta.  Desafortunadamente, COVID-19 sigue impactando a todos los países de esta región. 

Para continuar promoviendo el uso de tecnologías espaciales en actividades relacionadas on la gestión para la reducción de riesgo de desastres, la preparación, la respuesta y la recuperación en caso de desastres, ONU-SPIDER y el Centro de Percepción Remota de Superficies Terrestres de la Universidad de Bonn (ZFL por sus siglas en inglés) unieron esfuerzos para organizar la Reunión Regional Virtual de Expertos para África del Sur: "Soluciones Espaciales para Gestión de Riesgo y Respuesta en caso…

Publishing date 19/07/2021

A variety of environmental and man-made factors can have a detrimental effect on the yield of farmers worldwide. A programme launched in Kenya, funded by SERVIR in collaboration with NASA Harvest and the Swiss Re Foundation, uses Earth observation (EO) data to assess crop damage and prioritise the mobilisation of financial aid to farmers.

SERVIR is a joint initiative by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and NASA’s Earth Applied Sciences Program that works with “leading regional organizations world-wide to help developing countries use information provided by Earth observing satellites and geospatial technologies for managing…

Publishing date 03/03/2021