Dynamic World (Google, WRI)

Google Dynamic World Screenshot
Data provided by:Google, World Resources Institute (WRI)
Data accessibility:export data, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring), web processing/cloud computing
Link to the data:
File type:GeoTIFF
Data type:baseline data
Hazard:Drought, Forest Fire, Mass Movement, Landslide, Flood
Disaster cycle phase:Disaster Risk Management, Response, Recovery
Satellites and Sensors:Sentinel-2A, Sentinel-2B
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:10
Temporal coverage:Near-real time
Technical Specifications:
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

This data is available under a Creative Commons BY-4.0 license and requires the following attribution: This dataset is produced for the Dynamic World Project by Google in partnership with National Geographic Society and the World Resources Institute.