45th Regional Training Course on Disaster Management

Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)

Mon, 9 Nov - Fri, 27 Nov 2015

Course objectives

By completing the course, participants should gain a sound grasp of disaster risk management processes and be able to apply this knowledge to:

- Discuss basic concepts, terminology and models of disaster risk management
- Identify and assess disaster risks using a risk management approach
- Plan and develop effective strategies and systems for disaster risk reduction
- Develop effective processes for preparedness planning in order to improve disaster response and recovery programs
- Effectively and efficiently set up and utilize an emergency coordination center to manage disaster events
- Set up an Incident Command System to a given scenario
- Discuss disaster recovery frameworks and policies appropriate to the country
- Address and assess key implementation issues and requirement in disaster management

Course content

Conducted over a period of three weeks, the course is divided into eight modules following the flow of the disaster risk management process:

Module 1: Introduction to Disaster Risk Management
Module 2: Disaster Risk Identification and Assessment
Module 3: Disaster Risk Reduction
Module 4: Disaster Preparedness Planning Process
Module 5: Emergency Response
Module 6: Incident Command System
Module 7: Disaster Recovery
Module 8: Making Disaster Management Work
Module 9: Re-entering the Real World: Making a Difference

The content of the 45th Regional Training Course on Disaster Management concentrates on an Asia context with some references from other regions. However, both Asian and non-Asian participants are highly welcome. All representatives from the different regions, organizations and backgrounds are encouraged to interact, discuss, and make connections to ensure the greatest benefit is gained from attending the course. The class size is limited to 30 persons. ADPC accepts nomination on a first come, first served basis provided the applicant meets the course requirement.
