On 21 January 2015, the GEM Foundation published a web-based platform that enables access to a wide variety of sources on earthquakes.
The OpenQuake platform is the product an open source collaboration by over 300 experts across the world and it will enhance risk assessment and information-sharing with a broad community.
The platform is extremely significant for enrich our understanding of risk and, thereby, foster disaster risk reduction (DRR) policy and action, which constitutes one of the key priorities for the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).
The value of DDR was highlighted by the head of UNISDR, Margareta Wahlström: “Loss of life and economic loss from earthquakes can only be mitigated or prevented through DRR efforts that include urban planning, improved regulation through building codes and compliance with those codes. This requires sound technical information to support the financial investments and governance required to reduce risk in the long term.”
OpenQuake will include tools for assessing socio-economic vulnerability, which is considered as an underlying risk driver.