Tropical storm Ana has killed at least eight people in Mozambique after making landfall on 24 January, bringing heavy rains and strong winds.
Ana is reported to have affected thousands of people, causing damage to homes and other infrastructure.
The storm reached Mozambique a day after passing over Madagascar. Ana gained strength as it traversed the channel, forming into a Tropical Storm before it made landfall.
UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER requested the activation of the charter on behalf of the National institute for Disaster Risk Reduction of Mozambique (INGD) and the Department of Disaster Management Affairs of Malawi.
Organization | Title | Product type | URL |
International Charter Space and Major Disasters | Activation 748: Tropical storm Ana in Mozambique | Maps | URL |
ReliefWeb | Tropical Storm Ana - Jan 2022 | Situational updates, maps, infographics | URL |
Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC) | Madagascar, Mozambique, Malawi - Tropical Storm ANA | Maps | URL |