United States of America

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The Center for Interdisciplinary Geospatial Information Technologies at Delta State University (CIGIT), the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the Secure World Foundation, GITA, and the United Nations Platform for Space-based Information for Disaster Management and Emergency Response (UN-SPIDER) will host a workshop about application of geographic information systems (GPS) and remote sensing technologies to disaster preparedness, response, and recovery. Special focus will be given to how developing nations may use these powerful technologies to reduce the risk of disaster, more effectively respond to crisis when it occurs, and recover from disasters. Limited financial assistance is available for attendees from developing countries. Attendees will be provided with hands-on software learning opportunities, seminars about best practices, guides for the creation of policy, and round-...


The Humanitarian UAV Network (UAViators) is proud to partner with Unmanned Experts (UMEX) to offer another hands-on dedicated course on UAV missions for humanitarian and development professionals. The mission of UAViators is to promote the safe, coordinated and effective use of UAVs in a wide range of humanitarian and development settings. Offering and co-teaching hands-on training courses in partnership with leading UAV experts is integral to furthering this mission. Unmanned Experts is a team of trainers, consultants, researchers and pilots with over 25,000 hours of unmanned flight time and 35,000 hours in manned aircraft. A leader in UAV training and operations, UMEX is excited to apply their experience and expertise to helping in times of need and assisting aid organizations become smart consumers of UAV services.

The 3-day professional course will take place just outside of Washington DC on...



Experts are monitoring the development of one of the largest El Niño events of the last 50 years, and notably, the largest since the 1997-98 event that shocked global food, water, health, energy and disaster-response systems. The current El Niño is expected to peak by the end of the calendar year. It offers a unique opportunity for governments, scientists, economists, humanitarian agencies, development professionals and the media to define the research and development agenda for enhanced climate resilience and sustainable development.

In an effort to increase scientific understanding of this event and help boost resilience, a high-level El Niño conference will take place on Nov. 17 and 18, 2015. It is jointly organized by the International Research...


Harvard University organizes a workshop called Remote Sensing for Humanitarian Programs from 26-30 June 2017.

It is a professional training course aimed at providing humanitarian professional basic skills required to use remote sensing technologies, such as satellite and drone imagery, as part of humanitarian operations. The goal of the course is to equip participants with the necessary expertise to manage, design, and utilize remote sensing programs during both natural disasters and conflict-related emergencies.The goal is to equip participants with necessary expertise to manage, design and use remote sensing programs both in the cases of natural disasters and conflict-related emergencies.

The course is conducted by the Signal Program on Human Security and Technology, which is a part of the university's Humanitarian Initiative.The faculty is experienced in remote sensing for humanitarian response and has extensive expertise in satellite data analysis.

The fee is...


Society is increasingly exposed and vulnerable to frequent reoccurrence of natural disasters exacerbated by climate change. In the event of a disaster, there is huge amount of heterogenous data generated by the people and automated systems. For instance, social network data generated by citizens and first responders, satellite images of the affected areas, flood maps generated by drones. This has become a huge global issue that needs to be addressed. To convert this massive heterogenous crisis data into valuable knowledge, there is need to integrate it and extract knowledge in near-real time by means of novel data analytics solutions. Although, currently the analysis is focused on one single type of data (e.g social media, or satellite images).Their integration into big data analytics systems capable of building accurate predictive now cast and forecast models will provide effective support for emergency management.

The workshop aims at involving researchers, practitioners...


The theme adopted for the 2015 High-level Political Forum is: Strengthening integration, implementation and review - the HLPF after 2015. 

The High-level Political Forum on sustainable development is the main United Nations platform dealing with sustainable development. It provides political leadership and guidance; follows up and review progress in implementing sustainable development commitments and addresses new and emerging sustainable development challenges; enhances the integration of economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development. 

Disaster management and vulnerability and climate change are among the themes to be addressed during the forum. The links between these topics and sustainable development are strong, natural disasters and climate change will know no boundaries, poor and developing countries, particularly the LDCs, will be among those most adversely affected and least able to cope with the anticipated shocks...


The goal of the Hackaton is to bring together and introduce both non-GEOINT and GEOINT-savvy coders to interesting problems requiring inventive coding solutions. In addition to enabling participation from the non-GEOINT coding world, the end result will be a working code base that performs a specifically requested set of functions or provides answers as outputs.



This course is the first professional training course with the aim of providing humanitarian professionals basic skills and knowledge required to use remote sensing technologies, such as satellite and drone imagery, as part of humanitarian operations. The goal of the course is to equip participants with the necessary expertise to manage, design, and utilize remote sensing programs during both natural disasters and conflict-related emergencies.

The Remote Sensing Workshop for Humanitarian Response is a five-day training conducted by the Signal Program on Human Security and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. The course faculty is experienced in remote sensing for humanitarian response, and has extensive expertise in analyzing data from both satellites and from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in real-world-situations. 

Course Objectives

At the end of this course the participant will be able to:


The summit will help to find out more about the planned retirement of the North American Datum of 1983 (NAD 83) and the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD 88), how this will impact the mapping work, and what tools are planned to ease the transition to new, more accurate datums.

This event will be part of a larger conference organized by the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS) and in partnership with the Management Association for Private Photogrammetric Surveyors (MAPPS). There will be no cost for NGS sessions, but registration is required and space is limited.

The meeting is bringing together the diverse world of OpenStreetMap at a symbolic venue for three days of talks, workshops, and discussions around the project.

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC®) invites attendance at the June 2015 OGC Technical Committee Meeting be held at UCAR/NCAR Center Green in Boulder, Colorado 1 June to 5 June, 2015. In addition to a rich agenda of Working Group meetings and special events, there will be a dinner reception and Gardels Award announcement on Wednesday evening at the NCAR/UCAR Mesa Laboratory.

The week’s special events include the final OGC Testbed 11 Demonstration plus: a Point Cloud Ad Hoc meeting, a Geospatial/BIM/Indoor Location Workshop (“GIS BIM” in the TC agenda), a Water Data Summit, and a GeoSemantics Summit. 

OGC Domain Working Groups...

On 3 June 2015, the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) GeoSemantics Domain Working Group will host a summit, "GeoSemantics: Standards Intersect Ontologies". This summit will be part of the OGC’s June 2015 Technical Committee meeting in Boulder, Colorado. The Summit’s central topic is the application of ontologies in standards-based geo-information infrastructures.
The idea of the Semantic Web has been around for well over 10 years, and more recently principles of Linked Data have been gaining a lot of momentum. The Semantic Web involves data elements and connections between them being published on the Web in order to provide concrete opportunities for experimentation in semantic applications. Well defined, community agreements on semantics hold considerable promise for solving harmonization and integration of geospatial data sources from different...

This conference merges up to three unique satellite conferences into one major event. It has been the practice of the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology (SatMetOC) Committee (organizers of the 23rd AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography and Climatology Conference) and the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT; organizers of the 2019 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference) to hold joint conferences approximately every six years, most recently in Vienna (2013), and previously in Amsterdam (2007) and Paris (1998).

Major areas of interest: 
  1. New Satellite Systems and Instrumentation—illustrating the potential of new satellite systems to improve weather, climate, and other environmental data products; enhance user application and services, and contribute to blended and fused satellite datasets; future observing system architectures, flight projects,...


Defense Strategies Institute, in partnership with the SmallSat Alliance, will host a comprehensive two-day summit on how the application of small satellites is transforming the space domain. Together with government, industry and commercial partners this event will present and highlight the technology currently underway and the challenges that exist in enhancing space access and employing SmallSats to ensure space superiority.

The 2nd annual SmallSat & Space Access Summit encourages members of the DoD, Intelligence Community, military services, and critical organizations to come together to discuss solutions and techniques to exploit the space domain.

Topics to be Covered at the 2019 Summit: 

- Assessing the advantages of employing small satellite capabilities to meet operational requirements

- Leveraging small satellites to gather data and enable the effective monitoring of emerging crises

- Operating micro-satellites in low Earth orbit...


This training course provides humanitarian professionals the basic skills and knowledge required to use remote sensing technologies, such as satellites and drone imagery as well as GIS fundamentals, as part of humanitarian operations. 

At the end of this course the participant will be able to:

  • Understand how satellites and drones are used in humanitarian response.
  • Apply geospatial data to specific humanitarian activities. 
  • Develop geospatial collection and analysis plans for emergencies.
  • Explore the ethical and regulatory issues related to these technologies.
Remote Sensing Workshop

The Remote Sensing Workshop for Humanitarian Response is a five-day training conducted by the Signal Program on Human Security and Technology at the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative. The goal of the course is to equip participants with the necessary expertise to manage, design, and utilize remote sensing programs during both natural...


The application of Earth Observation (EO) datasets for Sustainable Development is a fast-growing field. EO innovations are contributing to the delivery of economic and societal benefit to developing countries, helping them meet their Sustainable Development Goals. There is great potential to build on the unique strengths that the space sector has to deliver sustainable development objectives, especially in data-sparse regions. In developing nations, where there is a need to bridge the gap between existing technologies and operational applications, EO technology can enhance the capability to monitor the Earth’s vital resources, and to support planning, design, operation, and management processes of various sectors.
