Introductory Webinar: Ask NASA ARSET: Radar Remote Sensing for Flood Monitoring

NASA ARSET Floods Webinar

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) signals can “see” the surface of the Earth during the day or night, and under nearly all weather conditions. In addition, the signal can penetrate through the vegetation canopy and detect inundation. These capabilities are unique to radar and make it an ideal sensor for flood detection and monitoring.  

In association with AmeriGEO Week 2024 (26-30 August 2024), we will be conducting a live Question & Answer (Q&A) Session on the use of radar remote sensing observations for flood monitoring, on September 5, 2022. The goal of this live, one-hour Q&A is to provide participants with the opportunity to ask questions to a panel of experts. We will have a translator available for our Spanish-speaking audience.

AmeriGEO participants, disaster management agencies, including domestic and international government agencies, aid organizations, indigenous communities, students, and academics.
