In an effort to showcase the capacity of geo-viewers to enhance situational awareness concerning risks associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, Thermopylae Sciences and Technology of the United States, the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster Reduction (CONRED), Mariano Galvez University, and the Center for Natural Disaster Research and Mitigation (CIMDEN) from Guatemala are joining forces to demonstrate the capacities of the 3D-UDOP geo-viewer developed by Thermopylae S&T to display information about these risks in Guatemala and to facilitate the visualization of potential impacts in case of earthquakes in particular areas of the country.
This activity is conducted in the context of the SPIDER Thematic Partnership for Latin America and the Caribbean, which has been established by the UN-SPIDER Programme to support National Platforms for Disaster Reduction that have been set up according to the guidelines proposed by ISDR as vehicles to reach the goals proposed in the Hyogo Framework for Action.
In this case study, the 3D-UDOP geo-viewer is used to visualize both the seismic hazard of Guatemala and the vulnerability of the housing sector at the municipal level, and to display estimates of impacts in case of hypothetical earthquakes in different regions of the country. To this end, CONRED, Mariano Galvez University, and CIMDEN are generating the information layers on hazard, vulnerability, and risk which will be inserted in the 3D-UDOP.
More detailed information about the case study will be published on this portal when it becomes available.
For further information: 3D UDOP, UN-SPIDER LAC Thematic Partnership