The European Earth Observation Services Industry is steadily growing. This is the main outcome of the report "A Survey into the State and Health of the European EO Services Industry"- The report was prepared and published under assignment from the European Space Agency (ESA) by the EARSC (European Association of Remote Sensing Companies) and it covered all companies fo whom satellite derived EO data is part of their business.
The report states: "There has been a steady growth in the turnover of the sector since the previous survey in 2006 accompanied by a good growth of employment. The sector has seen a lot of change. The period has seen the launch of a number of new commercial satellite systems (see section 2) as well as significant technology change with the development of Google Earth, the advent of cloud computing and a move towards crowd sourcing. These and other technologies such as Remotely Piloted Aircraft systems are arriving on the horizon and maybe there are other technologies which will emerge in the next 6 year period.