UN-SPIDER and DGPC conduct training course in EI Salvador
El Salvador is exposed to hydro-meteorological and geophysical hazards and has a history of destructive earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tropical storms, and droughts. In order to increase the capacity of the inter-institutional technical team headed by the Directorate of Civil Protection of El Salvador (DGPC) on the use remote sensing techniques to generate geospatial information to address these hazards, UN-SPIDER and DGCP conducted a week-long training course.
The training was held from 24 to 28 July 2017 at the GIS Laboratory of the Faculty of Agriculture of University of El Salvador, San Salvador. Experts from the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC, in its role as one of the UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices) and of the Federal University of Santa Maria in Santa Maria, Rio Sul, Brazil, conducted the training course. During the week-long training, 20 members of the inter-institutional technical team were trained on how to use remote sensing techniques and UN-SPIDER Recommended Practices focusing on droughts and floods.
The technical inter-institutional team will focus its efforts on the generation of geospatial information extracted from space and in situ data as a way to contribute to disaster risk reduction, preparedness and emergency response efforts related to different types of events