On June 22nd, an inter-agency briefing with UNOOSA/UN-SPIDER took place in Kabul to determine how best to make use of spatial data/mapping tools to support disaster risk reduction and emergency response activities in Afghanistan.
After an introduction of the UN-SPIDER programme, the experts discussed new directions especially on giving access to remote sensing (RS) data relevant for disaster preparedness planning and emergency response. The important role of RS in humanitarian response and planning was underlined by various examples from OCHA and recent floodings. In open discussion after the initial presentations, a wide range of interests and expectations were raised and a real need for RS data and its use was being honed.
As follow-ups, OCHA and the UN Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) will finalize the steps forward for this technical group and individual agency commitments. The Afghan National Disaster Management Authority (ANDMA) will establish a Government working group to promote information sharing for disaster risk reduction. UNOOSA has pledged additional technical expertise to support both the Government and UNCT to ensure this forum is closely linked to available resources.