In Detail: Agriculture Drought Monitoring and Hazard Assessment using Google Earth Engine

Droughts make considerable effects on agricultural and agro-pastoral areas due to their substantial dependency on rainfall. Agricultural drought monitoring is very important to maintain food security in the world. Satellite remote sensing is widely used for vegetation health monitoring and has become a powerful drought detection approach, because of its use at the global level. Indices have been developed using remote sensing data like the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Land Surface Temperature (LST), Vegetation Condition Index (VCI), and Vegetation Health Index (VHI). These are employed to onset and monitor the agriculture drought in the relation to the plant growth.

The recommended practice is prepared to monitor and perform early warning of agriculture drought and can be easily adapted using Google Earth Engine. 


Drought is a hydro-meteorological hazard often observed in the southern part of Pakistan. It is a slow onset disaster and is caused by below normal rainfall over a prolonged period. Besides rainfall, other indicators such as low soil moisture, irregular stream flow, less accessibility of groundwater or canal water supply, and higher evapotranspiration (ET) increase the intensity of drought. Droughts are recurring events that can disturb large areas, continuing for either a period of a few weeks or lasting up to several years. The effects are non-structural, grow gradually, and can remain for a long time. Droughts affect vegetation, crops, livestock, humans, and eventually the economy of the country.

The traditional method of drought monitoring includes the downloading of satellite images and long pre-post processing steps. By using cloud computing and machine learning algorithms, it is possible to efficiently perform the tasks without downloading the satellite images.

In this procedure, the cloud computing platform Google Earth Engine is used to derive the indices from satellite products of MODIS data which are MOD13Q1 and MOD11A2.

Agriculture Drought

There are various types of drought concerning the differences in requirements, regions, and disciplinary approaches. Agricultural drought refers to situations where the soil moisture level is inadequate to meet the water requirements of plants during the vegetation period. 

Different characteristics of meteorological (or hydrological) drought are related by agricultural drought to agricultural impacts, concentrating on shortages of precipitation, variations between real and potential evapotranspiration, deficits of surface water, decreased levels of groundwater or reservoirs, etc. The demand for plant water depends on prevailing weather conditions, the biological features of the particular plant, its stage of growth, and the physical and biological characteristics of the soil.

Drought Indices

Remote sensing has been widely used to monitor and perform early warnings of natural disasters via indicators and indices. To study droughts, satellite-derived drought indicators measured from satellite-derived surface parameters have been commonly used. 

1. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

The NDVI is an excellent sign of green biomass, leaf area index, and patterns of production as, when sunlight hits a plant, mostly the red bandwidth in the visible part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum (0.4–0.7 mm) is absorbed by chlorophyll in the leaves, whereas the cell formation of leaves reflects the bulk of near-infrared (NIR) radiation (0.7–1.1 mm). Healthy vegetation absorbs the red light and reflects NIR radiation. Usually, if there is extra reflected radiation in the NIR range than the visible, then vegetation will be healthy (dense). The NDVI range varies from −1 to +1, with values near zero representing no green vegetation and values near +1 showing the highest possible density of vegetation. Areas of barren rock, sand, and snow produce NDVI values of <0.1, while shrub and grassland typically produce NDVI values of 0.2–0.3, and temperate and tropical rainforests produce values in the 0.6–0.8 range. The NDVI is calculated with the following formula: 


2. Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)

The VCI is an indicator of the status of vegetation cover as a function of NDVI minima and maxima encountered for a given ecosystem over many years. It is a better indicator of water stress condition than the NDVI. The deviation of the vegetation condition is an indicator of the intensity of the impact of drought on vegetation growth. The VCI is calculated using the following formula: 

VCI= (NDVIj - NDVImin) / (NDVImax - NDVImin ) × 100

NDVImax and NDVImin are the maximum and minimum NDVI values in a multi-year dataset. The ‘j’ is the NDVI value for the current month. 

3. Temperature Condition Index (TCI)

Land surface temperature (LST) derived from thermal radiance bands is a good indicator of the energy balance of the Earth’s surface, because temperatures can rise quickly under water stress. The TCI is an initial indicator of water stress and drought. It is calculated using the following formula. 

TCIj = (TCIj - TCImin) / (TCImax - TCImin) × 100

TCImax and TCImin are the maximum and minimum TCI values in a multi-year dataset. The ‘j’ is the TCI value for the current month.

4. Vegetation Health Index (VHI)

The VHI is a combination of the constructed VCI and TCI and can be used effectively for drought assessments. It can be calculated using the following formula. 

VHI = α × VCI + (1 - α) × TCI

where α is the weight to measure the contribution of the VCI and TCI for assessing the status of drought. Generally, α is set as 0.5 because it is difficult to distinguish the contribution of the surface temperature and the NDVI when measuring drought stress. 

This practice can be applied to vegetation drought events anywhere in the world. 

However, the procedure works best for rainfed agriculture. For irrigated agriculture, the results may not necessarily be satisfying. 


  • The user interested in applying this recommended practice has high flexibility in choosing the preferred area for the analysis interest.
  • The VCI distinguishes the variations in short-term weather-related NDVI from the long-term shifts in the ecology. So, while the NDVI shows seasonal dynamics of vegetation, the VCI rescales the dynamics of vegetation between 0 and 100 to represent relative changes in the state of moisture from extremely poor to optimal. Because optimal moisture conditions are given by favourable weather, high VCI values are consistent with safe and unstressed vegetation. On the other hand, due to the high temperature and dryness, low TCI values correspond to vegetation stress. Due to the thermal influence, the TCI offers the ability to detect subtle changes in plant health as drought proliferates when moisture shortages are followed by high temperatures.
  • VHI studies both vegetation status (named VCI) and thermal condition of vegetation (TCI) observation period. VHI therefore subsequently tests the drought of vegetation stressed by temperature.
  • VHI has been found to be useful in identifying the spatiotemporal extent of agricultural drought. By performing a composite analysis of both vegetation status and thermal condition of vegetation, it can also be used to clarify drought intensity classes in the research areas. As an early warning system, the results of VHI estimates will contribute to the monitoring of the onset of agricultural drought.



  • It may be noted here that VCI and TCI take into account only one indicator of NDVI and LST respectively. VCI only measures the vegetation vigor while the TCI provides the measurement of LST.
  • The procedure works best for rainfed agriculture. For irrigated agriculture, the results may not necessarily be satisfying. 
  • Areas with high and/or frequent cloud-coverage are prone to lower quality results.
  • Agricultural areas in the observed study region should be large enough to sufficiently covered by the relatively coarse spatial resolution of MODIS data. Small, scattered fields will not deliver good results and would require higher resolution data sets.
  • It has been studied that VHI can only be applied successfully at low latitudes, mainly in arid, semi-arid, and sub-humid climatic regions where water is the main limiting factor for the growth of vegetation. In the tropics around the Equator and in the humid regions of high latitudes, where vegetation development is primarily limited by energy, another physiological mechanism exists. Higher temperatures in these regions accelerate the development of plants and, therefore, the VHI must be used with caution to assess the state and condition of vegetation.

Amalo, L. , Hidayat, R. & Haris (2017). Comparison between remote-sensing-based drought indices in East Java. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 54. 012009. 10.1088/1755-1315/54/1/012009.

Belal, AA., El-Ramady, H.R., Mohamed, E.S. et al. (2014). Drought risk assessment using remote sensing and GIS techniques. Arab J Geosci 7, 35–53. Available at

Bhuiyan, C. (2008). Desert Vegetation during Droughts Response and Sensitivity [online] Available at

Chang, S., Wu, B., Yan, N., Davdai, B., & Nasanbat, E. (2017). Suitability Assessment of Satellite-Derived Drought Indices for Mongolian Grassland. Remote Sensing, 9(7), 650.  

Online Resource, NASA Terra MODIS :

Servir Global: Google Earth Engine Change detection training

Step by Step: Agriculture Drought Monitoring and Hazard Assessment using Google Earth Engine

The MODIS sensor onboard the Aqua and Terra satellites acquires data in 36 spectral bands: two bands at 250 meters, five bands at 500 meters, and twenty-nine bands at 1000 meters spatial resolution.

MODIS data is useful to track changes in the landscape over time due to its high temporal resolution, which allows for the monitoring of vegetation health by means of time-series analyses with vegetation indices.

Figure 1 shows MODIS spectral bands and their bandwidth. MODIS data is available free of charge and can be downloaded from USGS ( or AppEEARS ( once the user is registered.

In this recommended practice the data will be loaded directly in the Google Earth Engine environment and does not need to be downloaded.

MODIS spectral bands and its bandwidth
Figure 1: MODIS spectral bands and its bandwidth

Indices Selection 

1. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI)

The NDVI is an excellent sign of green biomass, leaf area index, and patterns of production as, when sunlight hits a plant, mostly the red bandwidth in the visible part of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum (0.4–0.7 mm) is absorbed by chlorophyll in the leaves, whereas the cell formation of leaves reflects the bulk of near-infrared (NIR) radiation (0.7–1.1 mm). Healthy vegetation absorbs the red light and reflects NIR radiation. Usually, if there is extra reflected radiation in the NIR range than the visible, then vegetation will be healthy (dense). The NDVI range varies from −1 to +1, with values near zero representing no green vegetation and values near +1 showing the highest possible density of vegetation. Areas of barren rock, sand, and snow produce NDVI values of <0.1, while shrub and grassland typically produce NDVI values of 0.2–0.3, and temperate and tropical rainforests produce values in the 0.6–0.8 range. The NDVI is calculated with the following formula: 


2. Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)

The VCI is an indicator of the status of vegetation cover as a function of NDVI minima and maxima encountered for a given ecosystem over many years. It is a better indicator of water stress condition than the NDVI. The deviation of the vegetation condition is an indicator of the intensity of the impact of drought on vegetation growth. The VCI is calculated using the following formula: 

VCI= (NDVIj - NDVImin) / (NDVImax - NDVImin ) × 100

NDVImax and NDVImin are the maximum and minimum NDVI values in a multi-year dataset. The ‘j’ is the NDVI value for the current month. 

3. Temperature Condition Index (TCI)

Land surface temperature (LST) derived from thermal radiance bands is a good indicator of the energy balance of the Earth’s surface, because temperatures can rise quickly under water stress. The TCI is an initial indicator of water stress and drought. It is calculated using the following formula. 

TCIj = (TCIj - TCImin) / (TCImax - TCImin) × 100

TCImax and TCImin are the maximum and minimum TCI values in a multi-year dataset. The ‘j’ is the TCI value for the current month.

4. Vegetation Health Index (VHI)

The VHI is a combination of the constructed VCI and TCI and can be used effectively for drought assessments. It can be calculated using the following formula. 

VHI = α × VCI + (1 - α) × TCI

where α is the weight to measure the contribution of the VCI and TCI for assessing the status of drought. Generally, α is set as 0.5 because it is difficult to distinguish the contribution of the surface temperature and the NDVI when measuring drought stress. 


This Recommended Practice will utilize Google Earth Engine for the preparation of the NDVI, VCI, TCI, and VHI for the assessment of drought conditions using MODIS data. Initial access to Google Earth Engine can be requested by using one’s Gmail credential. The Google Earth Engine editor can then be accessed via the following URL: The interface of Google Earth Engine is shown in figure 2. 

Google Earth Engine Interface
Figure 2: Google Earth Engine Interface


The step-by-step methodology for the calculation of the VCI, TCI, and VHI indices is given below. 


Step 1. To calculate the VCI, TCI & VHI using Google Earth Engine, copy the code from annex 1 (TCI), annex 2 (VCI) or annex 3 (VHI), and paste it into the Code Editor window. The codes can also be imported by clicking these links:TCI, VCI and VHI. Each index and its output is calculated in an individual script.


Step 2. This script can be saved by clicking the save option shown in figure 2. The saved script will appear in the left window under the Script Manager and owner option.

Please note: In order to be able to save the script, you will need to make a change to it. E.g.: Add a line or a comment.  


Step 3. The study area can be added manually or uploaded as a shapefile (see description in the code). However, it is recommended that the study area may be defined by importing a shapefile as shown in figure 3. For adding a shapefile, click the Assets menu (located in the left corner), then click NEW and select Shape files from the drop-down menu to upload desired Area of Interest (AOI). A popup window (Upload a new shapefile Asset) will appear to upload the desired shapefile. Now select all components of shapefile i.e. .shp, .prj, .dbf, .cpg, and shp.xml and click upload. The upload process will take a few seconds and can be seen under the Task menu as shown in figure 3. A shapefile for demonstration purposes is provided at the bottom of this page (annex 4), which consists of the adminstrative unit of the Sindh Province, Pakistan.


Process of importing a shapefile
Figure 3: Process of importing a shapefile


Step 4. Now click on the AOI in the left panel and import the shapefile into the Code Editor. Then change the variable name “table” to “AOI” in the Code Editor (Red Box) to run the script as shown in figure 4. Finally, click Run to execute the code.  

Note: In case of the variable name was not changed, the script will end up with an error.


Adding AOI and renaming variable
Figure 4: Adding AOI and renaming variable


Step 5. The VCI, TCI and VHI is calculated for the month of March 2019 to assess the vegetation condition in the region. The calculations are based on the entire MODIS operation period (2000-today or selected end time). The output is available in the map window.

The output can be exported to the user’s Google Drive account, by running the task for the creation of the output file in the "Tasks" tab, as shown in figure 5. Afterwards, the output file can be used or downloaded from the user’s Google Drive.


Drought Index (VHI)
Figure 5: Exporting Data to Google Drive


Step 6. The output raster of the previous steps needs to be categorized into the drought severity zones so that the extent of drought can be analyzed in the affected region. VHI values vary between 0 and +1(100) and the raster image was classified as per the criteria mentioned in table 1 and implemented in the code.


Drought Zonation based on VCI, TCI & VHI values
Table 1: Drought Zonation based on VCI, TCI & VHI values


The classified image (tiff) is shown in figure 5. Subsequently, the classified image was recoded as per the criteria placed in table 2. 


Raster Values in the Final Product
Table 2: Raster Values in the Final Product


Final products can be used for further analysis of agriculture drought assessment and monitoring in a GIS environment along with other datasets.


Step 7. Users can also prepare maps based on VCI and TCI indices by repeating the procedure mentioned in Step 6. VCI and TCI outputs are shown in figures 6 and 7 respectively.


Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)
Figure 6: Vegetation Condition Index (VCI)


Temperature Condition Index (TCI)
Figure 7: Temperature Condition Index (TCI)



The scientific community uses VCI and VHI to analyze the greenness effect in agriculture to assess drought. While TCI is utilized to assess vegetation stress due to the temperature. Hence, VCI and VHI can be used for drought monitoring and assessment. However, VHI is more robust and effective due to its good representation of drought occurrence phenomena. VHI time series products pertaining to the study area are placed in Figure 9. This figure clearly shows the evolution of a drought-like situation, which evolved gradually from 2016 to 2019 respectively.


VHI Time Series Products
Figure 8: VHI Time Series Products (a) March 2016 (b) March 2017 (c) March 2018 (d) March 2019


Advanced Geospatial Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)

This is event is available for participation on an ongoing basis

Natural disasters are becoming more frequent and intense across the globe. Enhancing resilience to increasing hazards, exposure, and vulnerability therefore requires leveraging of advanced geospatial technologies for better disaster mitigation and management. With continuous improvements in satellite data sensor acquisition parameters together with geo-computational approaches, geospatial technologies have emerged as the most powerful technology for all phases of disaster management.

Professionals from Central / State Govt. / Private Organizations / NGO engaged in geospatial data analysis related research and projects; students and researchers aligned to research in Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR).
No certificate issued or not known

Familiarization with Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS.


The programme is sponsored by IIRS, Indian Space Research Organisation, Department of Space, Government of India, Dehradun

04/18/2022, 12:00am - 04/29/2022, 12:00am
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Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS), Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)


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