Remote Sensing Systems (RSS) is a scientific research company located in Northern California, specializing in satellite microwave remote sensing of the Earth, established in 1974 by Frank J. Wentz and consists of a team of atmospheric, oceanic, and earth scientists and support personnel. Remote Sensing Systems is a world leader in processing and analyzing microwave data from satellite microwave sensors, specializing in algorithm development, instrument calibration, ocean product development, and product validation. Remote Sensing Systems maintains a flexible, modular set of software for performing simulations and calibration activities, to enhance the retrievals of geophysical parameters and to validate the retrieved data. The algorithms, software, and programs operate using extensive databases of satellite measurements, in situ measurements, and general circulation model (GCM) and climate model output. Remote Sensing Systems serves the need of better understanding our environment and the physical processes that govern our weather and climate, providing research-quality satellite geophysical products for the study of weather and climate variability. This research is supported by NASA, NOAA, and the NSF, with many of the researchers participating in NASA science research teams and working groups, collaborating with other fore-front industry leaders and the scientific community.