Advanced low- and full-resolution DInSAR map generation for slow-moving landslide analysis at different scales

By gina.kelly | Tue, 9 Jun 2015 - 13:59
A proper analysis of slow-moving landslides calls for several efforts aiming at their characterization and mapping. Considering the uncertainties related to the landslide inventorymaps the integration of conventional techniques with remote sensing data, such as differential SAR interferometry (DInSAR), can furnish a valuable contribution in a number of case studies. However, standardized procedures for the interpretation and the confident use of DInSAR data, according to landslide zoning developments, have not been fully investigated and validated,
although algorithms for image processing have becomemore andmore sophisticated. Thiswork addresses a new methodology for the use of DInSAR data, at both full- and low-resolutions, in landslide analyses at different scales via the integration of remote sensing data with simple geomorphological models and geometric considerations. The methodology is tested inside a well documented area in Central–Southern Italy where an advanced dataset on base and thematic maps is available.

Cascini, L., Fornaro, G., & Peduto, D. (2010). Advanced low-and full-resolution DInSAR map generation for slow-moving landslide analysis at different scales.Engineering Geology112(1), 29-42.
