The Department of Survey and Mapping of the Prime Minister’s Office was established according to the Government Decree No.444-TTg on the 14th of December 1959, and it has responsibilities to carry out state managements on survey and mapping activities and implementation of national survey and mapping work.
The Department's main functions are to submit to the Minister of Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE) bills, ordinaces and other legal instruments on survey and mapping; to disseminate, give guideline to different branches, localities, orgnizations and citizen and control them for keeping surveying-mapping activities in compliance with the legislation; to master plans of development; main important programs and projects in the field of survey and mapping; To organize and conduct implementation of survey and mapping projects after their seal of approval; to manage maintenance and protection of benchmarks and other specific survey-mapping constructions and to establish survey – mapping database for GIS (Geographical Information System) and thematic information.