VII Space Conference of the Americas in Managua, Nicaragua

The VII Space Conference of the Americas was inaugurated on 17 November 2015 in Managua, Nicaragua and will conclude on 19 November 2015. The conference brings together representatives of the space community, government institutions, academia and other regional and international organizations. The conference is organized by the Superior Coordinating Council, which includes the Nicaraguan Science and Technology Council, the National Council of Universities and the Ministry of the Presidency for Public Policies.
As stated by the organizers, the conference will address the use of space technologies in applications related to education, science and technology, natural resources and the environment, as well as international cooperation on space-related issues.
Mr. Luc St Pierre, Senior Programme Officer with the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and Coordinator of the UN-SPIDER programme, is attending the conference representing both UNOOSA and UN-SPIDER.