The United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) and the Mexican Space Agency (AEM) signed a Cooperation Agreement to incorporate AEM as the newest Regional Support Office of the UN-SPIDER programme that is managed by UNOOSA. This Regional Support Office will contribute to efforts conducted by the Office in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The Mexican Space Agency is a decentralized public agency of the Federal Government of Mexico under the Communication and Transportation Secretariat. It was officially created on 31st July 2010. Its mission is to use science and space technology to meet the needs of the Mexican population and to promote innovation and the development of the space sector in Mexico; contributing to the peaceful uses of outer space.
In recent years AEM has been supporting the UN-SPIDER programme through the provision of experts to conduct technical advisory missions to Central American countries, and is a partner in the project geared to strengthen drought early warning systems in Central America and the Dominican Republic. Experts from AEM have also participated regularly in international conferences and workshops organized by UNOOSA.