Data provided by: | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) |
Data accessibility: | Visualización de datos (ej. web SIG o monitoreo en tiempo real) |
Link to the data: | |
Data type: | Datos sobre amenazas específicas |
Hazard: | Harmful Algal Bloom |
Disaster cycle phase: | Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres, Respuesta, Recuperación |
Space-based Information: | NOAA's Ecoforecasting Map locates site at risk of HABs, names prevalent species at the site and links directly to Alerts and Bulletins (forecasts) for the respective regions. The HABS Data Portal, is the portal for the great lakes (Lake Erie) mapping in-situ data useful in mapping algal blooms in the region. The phytoplancton monitoring network is a webmap which includes current weather radar, sampling locations and oceanographic data (SST,Salinity) |
Spatial coverage: | Northern America |
Temporal coverage: | Prognosticado, Casi en tiempo real |
Content dates: | Present & forecasted |
Technical Specifications: | |
Costs: | Gratis |