UCAR is a non-profit consortium of more than 115 North American colleges and univesities focused on reserach and training in the Earth system sciences.
We are the experienced managers of the National Center for Atmospheric Research on behalf of the National Science Foundation. Founded in 1960 to fulfil this role, we are trusted administrators of the financial, human resources, facilities and information texchnology functions that are essential to NCAR's success.
UCAR's community programs — from encouraging diverse students to pursue science careers, to providing online professional training, data delivery, and other valued services — extend and enhance the world-class research done at the national center. Our work promotes and accelerates access to these and other resources needed to push the boundaries of Earth system science. We bring together the Earth system science community to exchange ideas, discuss challenges, and share what we've learned. By connecting researchers and educators with each other, with cuttingedge resources, and with the private sector, we take research out of the lab into the real world for the benefit of society. UCAR members constitute a self-governing body representing nearly all the academic programs in Earth system science in North America. We provide a clear voice for our membership, in collaboration with the broader community, to convey the value of our research, education, and partnerships to policymakers and decision makers.