Cameroon - Institutional Strengthening Mission

In June 2011 UN-SPIDER conducted a technical advisory mission to Cameroon. Based on the recommendations of the mission, UN-SPIDER conducted a Institutional Strengthening Mission and assisted in organizing training in remote sensing for disaster management. It took place from 7 to 11 May 2012 and was organized jointly with the Institute for Environment and Human Security of UNU (UNU-EHS). 

Cameroonian Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT)

Twenty-five participants from the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralization of Cameroon and various other ministries and universities attended the training in remote sensing for disaster management which was part of the Institutional Strengthening Mission. In addition, UN-SPIDER and UNU-EHS funded the participation of five selected representatives from four other Central African States (Burundi, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon and Republic of the Congo). The training covered basic elements of remote sensing, geographic information systems (GIS), simple data extraction and geo-referencing techniques, and the use of remote sensing for disaster management. The training also aimed at raising awareness of existing mechanisms to access space-based information such as the International Charter “Space and Major Disasters” or the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security.