Flood events in northern and central Mozambique - International Charter Space and Major Disaster and Copernicus EMS activated

On 11.03.2022, Tropical Cyclone Gombe led to extensive flood events in northern and central Mozambique. 

More information here: https://floodlist.com/africa/mozambique-cyclone-gombe-march-2022 

Preliminary impacts reported by INGD indicate that many houses and power lines have been destroyed or damaged; twelve people have been reported killed, several have been injured, and overall more than thirty thousand people have been affected. There are also over one hundred schools damaged or destroyed, one bridge has collapsed, and several roads have been affected.

As a consequence, Copernicus EMS and the International Charter Space and Major Disasters, making use of the potential of space-based technologies for emergency mechanisms, were active. Below, you find a collection of links to the activations and the resulting products. 






Image: Damage from Cyclone Gombe in Mozambique, 11 to 13 March 2022. Photo: IFRC