UN/AUSTRIA SYMPOSIUM 2022: Space for climate action

UN Austria Symposium 2022



Tue, 13 Sep - Thu, 15 Sep 2022


Space for climate action: experiences and best practices in mitigating and adapting to climate change and supporting sustainability on Earth

The 2022 UN/Austria Symposium "Space for climate action: experiences and best practices in mitigating and adapting to climate change and supporting sustainability on Earth" will take place from 13 to 15 September online. The focus of the symposium is to showcase the most recent initiatives, experiences and best practices in mitigating and adapting to climate change and supporting sustainability on Earth. Further to creating awareness of how Member States use space technologies, the symposium will highlight how the space sector is being adapted to reduce its own impact on the climate crisis. The symposium would collect ideas and contributions to define future activities.

To raise awareness of relevant space-related activities, services and cooperation programmes among different user groups, the symposium will gather government officials, the diplomatic community, UN and international agencies as well as NGOs.

Find more information here.

The symposium is aimed at members of the diplomatic community, intergovernmental and non-governmental organisations, research and development institutions, policy and decision-makers, senior experts, scientists, engineers and university educators, especially from developing countries.
