Today, 3 April 2023, the 8th IAA Planetary Defense Conference started in Vienna, Austria, taking place until 7 April as a hybrid conference with two venues.
The Vienna International Centre hosts the conference from 3-6 April, while the Austrian Academy of Sciences will host it on 7 April. The conference will cover a range of topics related to planetary defense, including ongoing and upcoming mission highlights, hypothetical asteroid threat exercise, key international and policy development, near-Earth object discovery and characterization, deflection and disruption modeling and testing, space mission and campaign design, impact effects and consequences, disaster management and impact response, public education and communications, and political, legal, social, and economic aspects.
Registered participants can join in-person or online and will have access to conference materials, including a decision tree, pocket reference, and decision-maker's guide. The conference also features panel and session topics, as well as opportunities for audience participation through polls and Q&A sessions.
The conference follows the 7th IAA Planetary Defense Conference, which was held online in April 2021.
This year's event promises to be an informative and engaging experience for those interested in the field of planetary defense. More information about the conference, including the detailed program and registration links, can be found on the UNOOSA website.