Extreme Rainfall Detection System (ITHACA)

Screenshot of ITHACA
Data provided by:Information Technology for Humanitarian Assistance, Cooperation and Action (ITHACA)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos, Visualización de datos (ej. web SIG o monitoreo en tiempo real)
Link to the data:
Requirements:windows XP and above, MAC, or Linux and ERDS App -Beta version
File type:tiff, wms
Data type:Datos sobre amenazas específicas
Hazard:Flood, Pollution
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres
Space-based Information:Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) , Multisatellite Precipitation Analysis (TMPA) data
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:110574.00
Temporal coverage:Prognosticado, Casi en tiempo real
Technical Specifications:
Contact:ITHACA Contacts
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

Dislaimer of ITHACA