Burnt Area Map 2000 (GBA 2000 - JRC)

Data provided by:Joint Research Centre (JRC)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos, Exportar mapa, Datos estadísticos (ej. gráficos)
Link to the data:
File type:asc, asc, csv, shp, shp, shp, tiff, xls
Hazard:Forest Fire
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres, Respuesta, Recuperación
Space-based Information:SPOT-VGT
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:1000.00
Temporal coverage:Archivado, Casi en tiempo real
Contact:Look for "JRC Contacts" Section
Tutorials on the use of data:Research
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

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