GOES 15 (GOES-P) is an American weather satellite, which will form part of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) system operated by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The spacecraft was constructed by Boeing, and is the last of three GOES satellites to be based on the BSS-601 bus. In addition to weather forecasting on Earth, a key instrument onboard GOES-P, the Solar X-Ray Imager (SXI), will help NOAA continue monitoring solar conditions.
Instruments: GEOS&R (Geostationary Search and Rescue) SEM/MAG (SEM / Magnetometer) SOUNDER (GOES Sounder) SXI (Solar X-ray Imager) SEM/EPS (SEM / Energetic Particles Sensor) SEM/HEPAD (SEM / High Energy Proton and Alpha Particles Detector) SEM/XRS-EUV (SEM / X-Ray Sensor - Extreme Ultra-Violet Sensor) DCIS (Data Collection and Interrogation Service) IMAGER (GOES Imager)