14th Annual Coordination Meeting of UN-SPIDER Regional Support Offices



Fri, 15 Mar 2024

The Regional Support Offices Meeting 2024 was conducted and organised by UN-SPIDER at the premises of the UN Campus in Bonn. It was held back-to-back with the UN-SPIDER Bonn International Conference on Space-based Solutions for Disaster Management - "Early Warnings for All".

The UN-SPIDER programme currently has 27 Regional Support Offices (RSOs). These RSOs are engaged in supporting activities of UN-SPIDER such as technical advisory support, rapid mapping during emergency response, preparing specific publications and contents for the knowledge portal and contributing to the workshop and conferences.

Every year, UN-SPIDER organizes a meeting with the RSOs to discuss the progress and new activities.
At this year’s meeting, 13 RSOs joined the meeting in person and one candidate to become an RSO joined the meeting in person as guests.

This years meeting focused on enhancing collaboration among RSOs to advance Early Warning Systems (EWS) with concrete examples and outreach activities. The meeting reviewed the UN-SPIDER Bonn International Conference, emphasizing the active promotion of space-based solutions for disaster management and the integration of these tools in EWS operations. Future plans include a series of seminars and webinars on space technology applications, raising awareness about space hazards, and engaging RSOs in specific activities to broaden the use of Earth Observation technologies. The discussion addressed how RSOs can support UN-SPIDER, including identifying pilot countries and necessary tools.

UN-SPIDER Regional Support Office Meeting