Bridging ICTs and Environment - Making Information Talk and Technologies Work

Summer University of Central European University, Budapest

Eye on earth, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, Global Universities Partnership on Environment for Sustainability

Mon, 6 Jul - Fri, 10 Jul 2015
This course aims at bridging the gap between environmental / public policy professionals and cutting-edge technologies and their practical application by bringing ICT developers and experts (e.g. the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs and Esri) into the classroom and arranging their direct communication with decision making groups, making data and emerging technologies more accessible, usable, and relevant for decision-making. An UNOOSA representative will be conducting an additional day-long workshop on remote sensing applications in environmental monitoring and natural resource management and an Esri representative will be conducting a day-long workshop on the potential application of Esri products in water management. In addition, the course will be featuring an array of faculty from leading global institutions, including representatives from the the UNECE Water Secretariat and the Black Sea Commission, among others. This course is being carried out as a preparatory activity for the Eye on Earth Summit 2015 and is conducted as a part of the ISEPEI Project. The primary focus of this course is ICT application in water management and water security. It will cover a number of technologies including remote sensing, geospatial technologies, data publishing, and decision-support systems, among others. In particular, the role of satellite-based earth monitoring and remote sensing for environmental studies and management will be discussed, highlighting their potential and limitations. In addition, a series of recently completed and ongoing research projects in the field of geospatial-based decision-making will be presented first-hand by practitioner and discussed. The course will contribute to disseminating recent research results and raising awareness about potential ICT benefits.

Training Target Audience: 

  • Environmental mid-career professionals to assist them in implementing the newest ICT solutions;
  • Decision-makers to provide them with an overview of potential use of emerging ICT technologies to include in their management and development strategies; 
  • Relevant university teachers to update their curricula on environmental ICTs;
  • Environmental researchers not previously exposed to this area.

Training requirements: Overall computer literacy is essential, but previous exposure to advanced geospatial technologies is not required (although beneficial). Proven experience with any aspect of water security / water management is a prerequisite.

Central European University