Office for Outer Space Affairs
UN-SPIDER Knowledge Portal
International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), International Union of Radio Service (URSI), Faculty of Civil Engineering CTU in Prague, Auletris, National Library of Technology (NTK)
On the occasion of the Gi4DM conference, the URSI Working Group F.1 (on Education and Training in Remote Sensing and Wave Propagation) and the ISPRS ICWG III/IVa will organize a one-day tutorial on 3 September 2019 with a title: “Advanced Radar Methods and their Application in Disaster Managemen
The world has experienced several devastating disasters in this century, first an Earthquake of a very high magnitude and then Tsunami afterwards or heavy rain flows, followed by floods and landslides are common occurrences. These are conditions where even the most advanced EWS cannot make a significant difference. So, most of the potential to mitigate such a disaster in the future would have to be in the field of vulnerability reduction by adaptation, e.g. in urban planning and construction, based on risk and vulnerability maps.
Another question is the quality and coordination of disaster mapping activities to support response measures. Here we should coordinate all efforts globally as most of the disasters nowadays affect Trans boundaries. So the Geoinformation technologies will and better expressed should help in all facets of Disaster Management. An international effort in this direction is the Gi4DM series of Conferences, which was held for the first time in 2005 in Delft after the Indian Ocean Tsunami and repeated every year in almost all parts of the world. The upcoming conference in next September 2019 will demonstrate the last international advances in Geoinformation regarding the Disaster Management.