UN-SPIDER's Regional Support Office in Colombia, the Agustin Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC), announced that the first forum for the Colombian Spatial Data Infrastructure (ICDE) called "Trends in Geospatial Information Management" will be held on 29 and 30 May 2014, in the city of Bogotá on the premises of AR Hotel Salitre. IGAC is organizing the event in its role as the coordinator of ICDE, which is a group of the Colombian Space Commission (CEC) to develop a Spatial Data Infrastructure.
This event is aimed at managers, coordinators, technologists and professionals from different disciplines that are involved in management activities on geospatial information as a planning tool in the territories of Colombia.
The first forum of the ICDE responds to the growing need for more and better geospatial information. The big goal is that providers of geospatial data and information (such as producing entities or geospatial data producing agencies) should provide their data in a standardized way, so that the data is uniformly defined and understood by all users.
Obstacles in achieving this goal with be addressed and tackled in workshops. United Nations agencies and countries such as Spain, Mexico, Chile and Uruguay, as well as national and local actors will provide their inputs.