Virtual technical advisory support to Guatemala and Honduras following forest fires

In order to raise awareness of the new products available for the monitoring of forest fires and the UN-SPIDER recommended practice on burn severity mapping, a visiting scientist created maps of the burn severity of forest fires in Peten Province, Guatemala, and the central region of Honduras in May 2020.

Virtual technical advisory support to El Salvador


At the request of the National Civil Protection Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior, UN-SPIDER participated in four workshops organized by the Directorate for its staff in four provincial offices. UN-SPIDER facilitated the virtual participation of experts from several UN-SPIDER regional support offices and national disaster management agencies of Latin American countries.

Virtual technical advisory support to Nigeria


At the request of the National Emergency Management Agency and the National Space Research and Development Agency of Nigeria, UN-SPIDER conducted three webinars to present UN-SPIDER resources and showcase how space technologies could support flood and drought monitoring efforts. During the virtual meetings, the two agencies discussed their use of geospatial data and geographical information systems in disaster management.

National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Authority (NRDDMA) of Nepal

The National Disaster Risk Reduction & Management Authority (NRDDMA) of Nepal was established through the Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) of 2017 to coordinate and implement DRRM-related functions in the country. Its mandates include leading, facilitating and supporting federal, provincial and local governments on disaster risk reduction, response and reconstruction.


National Institute of Forest Conservation and Development (ICF) of Honduras

The National Institute of Forest Conservation and Development, Protected Areas and Wildlife (ICF), is a government entity created by Executive Decree No. 98-2007, with the aim of establishing the legal regime to which the administration and management of forest resources, protected areas and wildlife will be subject, including their protection, restoration, use, conservation and promotion; promoting sustainable development, in accordance with the social, economic, environmental and cultural interests of the country.


Mozambique Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources (MOPHRH)

The Ministry of Public Works, Housing and Water Resources is created by Presidential Decree No. 1/2015 of 16 January, pursuant to Article 4 (1) (g) of Presidential Decree No. 3/2015, of 20 February, and in the use of the powers delegated by the Council of Ministers pursuant to article 1 of Resolution 7/2015, of 20 April.


Mozambique Red Cross Society (MRCS)

The Mozambique Red Cross Society (CVM) provides support to communities in order to reduce their vulnerability to disasters and strengthen their response capacity. It aims to respond to disasters as rapidly and effectively as possible, by mobilizing its resources and using its network in a coordinated manner, and assists those who have suffered the full impact of a disaster in rebuilding their homes, lives and services and to strengthen their capacity to cope with future disasters.


National Unit for Disaster Risk Management (UNGRD) of Colombia

The National Unit for Disaster Risk Management directs the implementation of disaster risk management, taking into account sustainable development policies, and coordinates the operation and continuous development of the national system for disaster prevention and response - SNPAD.


Virtual technical advisory support to Niger


UN-SPIDER also conducted an online meeting with the General Directorate for Civil Protection of the Niger to provide an overview of the UN-SPIDER programme and its technical advisory support activities, in particular, with a view to engaging in joint activities in the future. 

Remote technical advisory support to Mongolia

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, a technical advisory support mission to Mongolia scheduled for July to December 2020 could not go ahead. Instead, UN-SPIDER offered the National Emergency Management Agency of Mongolia the services of a national consultant for five months in order to facilitate the use of space-based information in disaster management. 

During this period, three capacity-building programmes were carried out with officials from various stakeholder agencies and provincial offices of the National Emergency Management Agency. The national consultant supported the strengthening of the Platform for Real-time Impact and Situation Monitoring, which was developed by the World Food Programme and the National Emergency Management Agency. The consultant also assisted the National Emergency Management Agency in becoming an authorized user of the International Charter on Space and Major Disasters. 

With a view to the provision of continued support in 2021, the National Emergency Management Agency and UN-SPIDER submitted a project proposal on a web-based integrated national disaster information system to the Resident Coordinator’s Office.