Identification of destructed Building and Land Use change in the Post-Tsunami Disaster with a Quick Look Images IKONOS and QUICKBIRD (A Case Study in Meulaboh City)

By Christopher Mehl | Thu, 27 Jan 2011 - 15:04


Tsunami is a series of high waves which is caused by the movement of massive mass of sea water. Tsunami disaster is one of the earth's phenomenon that can not be avoided by human being. Even though, tsunami disaster still can be learned and its impact to humankind and their environment. Remote sensing technology is one of the alternative technologies to extract spatial information on tsunami disaster where it can be utilized to help the planning and reconstruction process in the tsunami impacted region. This study aims to know how far the remote sensing technology can contribute to the tsunami mitigation process. The results obtained from this study are information about destructed buildings, land use change and total coverage of land affected by tsunami in Nangroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD) with Meulaboh City as a case study.


Wikantika, K. et al. (s.a): Identification of destructed Building and Land Use change in the Post-Tsunami Disaster with a Quick Look Images IKONOS and QUICKBIRD (A Case Study in Meulaboh City).

Wikantika, K.