Satellite Remote Sensing Data Analysis for Flood Damaged Zoning with GIS for Flood Management

By Argilli Lydia |


Flood hazard maps were developed using remote sensing (RS) data for thehistorical event of the 1988 flood with data of elevation height, and geological andphysiographic divisions. Flood damage depends on the hydraulic factors whichinclude characteristics of the flood such as the depth of flooding, rate of the rise inwater level, propagation of a flood wave, duration and frequency of flooding,sediment load, and timing. In this study flood depth and "flood-affected frequency"within one flood event were considered for the evaluation of flood hazard assessment,where the depth and frequency of the flooding were assumed to be the majordeterminant in estimating the total damage function. Different combinations ofthematic maps among physiography, geology, land cover and elevation wereevaluated for flood hazard maps and a best combination for the event of the 1988flood was proposed. Finally, the flood hazard map for Bangladesh and a flood riskmap for the administrative districts of Bangladesh were proposed.

Islam, M. & Sado, K. (2000): Satellite Remote Sensing Data Analysis for Flood Damaged Zoning with GIS for Flood Management. Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE, Vol. 44.

Islam Monirul