Copernicus organizes a workshop that will help participants to understand the importance of Earth Observation, in particular, Copernicus in monitoring the Sustainable Development Goals agenda of 2030 and international agreements. The event is going to be held in Brussels on January 24th from 9:00 am to 17:00 pm, and is open and free of charge. Applicants can register through the event website.
The workshop will be divided into four sessions: Climate Change, Marine, Land and Inland Waters, and Atmosphere. The objective will be:
to display the role of Earth Observation data and information in support of the assessment of the progress to achieve the SDGs, to answer to the needs of international conventions/agreements
to present specifically the potential contribution of the Copernicus full, free and open data and services' information products;
to present and discuss the potential Copernicus service evolution in the context of SDGs and International Agreements.
For more details, you can visit Copernicus website.