UN-SPIDER / SENACYT seminar "Science and Technology: Applications for Disaster Preparedness and Response in Latin America and the Caribbean"

UN-SPIDER and the National Secretariat for Science and Technology of Guatemala (SENACYT) 

Tue, 24 Jul 2018

UN-SPIDER and the National Secretariat for Science and Technology of Guatemala (SENACYT) join forces to conduct a seminar on the use of science, technology and innovation in disaster risk reduction and response efforts. The seminar entitled "Science and Technology: Applications for Disaster Preparedness and Response in Latin America and the Caribbean. Guatemala: Fuego volcano" is conducted in Guatemala City on 24 July 2018 as part of the week-long CONVERCIENCIA 2018 event organized by SENACYT.

The seminar brings together experts from public and private institutions, universities and non-government organizations (NGOs), as well as students from various universities.

The seminar explores the use of technology to become better aware of risks associated with volcanic and seismic activity, the benefits of satellite technology and drones in case of disasters, and the applications of geospatial technologies in Guatemala’s Presidential Secretariat for Planning and Programming (SEGEPLAN) as well as the Executive Secretariat of the National Coordinating Agency for Disaster Reduction (SE-CONRED).

The team brings together professionals and specialists from government agencies, private companies, universities and NGOs and is currently engaged in the development of space-based information to contribute to response and recovery efforts related to the recent disaster triggered by the eruption of Fuego volcano on 03 June 2018.

Presentations delivered at the event:

Experts from public and private institutions, universities and non-government organizations (NGOs) and students
Universidad Del Valle de Guatemala (UVG), Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC), Universidad de Galileo, Universidad Mariano Gálvez y el Instituto Técnico de Capacitación (INTECAP)
Guatemala City