Integrated population and environmental data (IPUMS TERRA)

Screenshot of Integrated population and environmental data (IPUMS TERRA)
Data provided by:IPUMS Terra
Data accessibility:Exportar datos, Exportar mapa, Datos estadísticos (ej. gráficos), Visualización de datos (ej. web SIG o monitoreo en tiempo real)
Link to the data:
File type:csv, GeoTIFF, shp, shp, shp, tiff, txt, xls, xml
Data type:Línea base, Datos sobre el use suelo, cobertura del terreno, Datos satelitales o imágenes aéreas
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres
Satellites and Sensors:Terra
Spatial coverage:Global
Spatial resolution:500-10,000m
Temporal coverage:Archivado, Prognosticado
Content dates:Varies
Technical Specifications:
Contact:Contact IPUMS Terra
Tutorials on the use of data:Introduction to using IPUMS Terra and CODAP, Creating an Area-level Extract with IPUMS Terra, Creating a Raster Extract with IPUMS Terra
Restrictions/ Citation of the dataset:

Citation and use