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Displaying 241 - 255 of 556
  • IPUMS Terra integrates the world's population and environmental data including... Population censuses and surveys Land cover data classified from satellite imagery Temperature, precipitation, and related climate data Land use…
  • ISRIC — World Soil Information, legally registered as the International Soil Reference and Information Centre, has a mission to serve the international community as custodian of global soil information. We are striving to increase awareness…
  • ASI is a public institutional body entrusted to define the national strategies in the Space field and to implement them by promoting, supporting and coordinating national activities, Italian companies and scientific community participation in…
  • Through operating the Jamaica Seismograph Network and affiliating with other Caribbean and Regional networks, the Earthquake Unit seeks to understand earthquake processes in and around Jamaica and advice the society about earthquake hazards, thereby…
  • The Agency is the Government’s lead agency responsible for the management and conservation of the country’s forest resources. The functions of the Department are mandated under the Forest Act 1996 and are aimed at managing forests on a…
  • The Land Information Council of Jamaica (LICJ) was established by the Jamaican Government in 1991 and is comprised of nine sub-committees. The Council is responsible for organising and ensuring the development and maintenance of a national networked…
  • The mission of the Meteorological Service is to take full advantage of the present knowledge of weather and climate, to take steps to improve significantly that knowledge and to foresee and prevent potential man-made changes in climate that might be…
  • The MGD has the statutory responsibility under the Mining Act and the Quarries Control Act to exercise general supervision over all prospecting, mining and quarrying operations throughout the island. The Division also manages the investigation,…
  • The National Environment and Planning Agency (NEPA) is an Executive Agency that became operational on April 1, 2001. Its aim is to integrate environmental, planning and sustainable development policies and programmes and to improve customer service.
  • The NSDI is entity responsible for the technology, policies, standards, human resources and related activities necessary to acquire process, distribute, use, maintain and preserve spatial data throughout all levels of government, the private and non…
  • Disaster preparedness is a dynamic function, which includes the identification of disaster threats and risks throughout the country and the formulation of plans to create a state of readiness to meet the needs of victims when a disaster strikes. As…
  • A Parish Council is the lowest local authority of governance in Jamaica. Local affairs are administered by individual Parish Councils whose members are elected. Some of the functions that are the responsibility of Parish Councils are: Public Health…
  • The Planning Institute of Jamaica is an Agency of the Ministry of Finance and Planning. It is committed to leading the process of policy formulation on economic and social issues and external co-operation management to achieve sustainable…
  • One of Jamaica's primary means of survival in the current global economic environment rests in agriculture. Because of this fact, finding innovative strategies to facilitate increased production and greater yield of the produce for the local and…
  • The Water Resources Authority (WRA) is responsible for the management, protection, and controlled allocation and use of Jamaica's water resources. The WRA maintains a hydrological database and provides data, information, and technical assistance…