Data provided by: | NASA Earth Science Disasters Program |
Data accessibility: | export data, visualization of data (e.g. web GIS or real time monitoring) |
Link to the data: | |
File type: | GeoTIFF, hdf, hdf, hdf, hdf, map, NetCDF |
Data type: | satellite data or aerial image |
Hazard: | Epidemic, Harmful Algal Bloom, Insect Infestation, Forest Fire, Drought, Mass Movement, Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanic Eruption, Flood, Severe Storm, Extreme Temperature, Pollution |
Disaster cycle phase: | Disaster Risk Management, Response, Recovery |
Space-based Information: | NASA's Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) is a program for archiving and distributing Earth science data from multiple missions to users. |
Satellites and Sensors: | GCOM-W1 (AMSR2), Landsat 4, Landsat 7, Landsat 8, Aqua, Terra (ASTER) |
Spatial coverage: | Global |
Spatial resolution: | Varying |
Temporal coverage: | Archive, Forecasted, Near-real time |
Content dates: | 1860-Present |
Costs: | free |