The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has the responsibility of promoting and protecting Cameroon's and its citizens' interests abroad.
The Ministry is in charge of implementing and developing government policies and programmes in higher education. It studies and advises the government on ways to adapt the higher education system to national social and economic realities;…
The Ministry is responsible for the coordinated development of all transportation. It maintains and regulates the organization, and the functioning of air, rail, road and maritime transport. It formulates and implements legislative and statutory…
The ARGV is responsible for implementing a programme of geophysical and geochemicl studies, within the IRGM. This structure focuses on natural hazards, and structural, geodynamic, and geological prospection. Several projects have been established…
The Ministry of Territorial Administration (MINAT) is under the authority of the Minister of Territorial Administration assisted by the Minister Delegate in charge of Regional and Local Authorities. The Ministry is responsible for the preparation,…
Established in March 1989, the Canadian Space Agency (CSA) was created through an Act of Parliament, proclaimed in December 1990. The Agency has a status equivalent to that of a Department of the Government of Canada and reports to Parliament…
CDEMA is the regional disaster management body of the Caribbean Community. Its role is to be facilitator, driver, coordinator and motivating force to the promotion and engineering of Comprehensive Disaster Management (CDM) in all the participating…
The Center for Environment and Development for the Arab Region and Europe (CEDARE) was established in 1992 as an international inter-governmental Organization with diplomatic status. This was in response to the convention adopted by the Council of…
The mission of the Columbia Center for Hazards and Risk Research is to advance the predictive science of natural and environmental hazards and the integration of science with hazard risk assessment and risk management.More information are…
The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) is a centre within the Earth Institute at Columbia University (Link). CIESIN works at the intersection of the social, natural, and information sciences, and specializes in on-…
The "Center for Satellite Based Crisis Information" (ZKI) is a service of DLR's German Remote Sensing Data Center (DFD). Its function is the rapid acquisition, processing and analysis of satellite data; and the provision of satellite-…
Based on the report of the evaluation mission, UNOOSA notified India as being the host country for the establishment of the "Centre for Space Science and Technology Education in Asia and the Pacific" (CSSTEAP). The Centre was established in India on…
"The Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems" (CSISS) is an interdisciplinary research centre chartered by the provost, and affiliated with the College of Science at George Mason University. CSISS currently operates the "Laboratory for…
The Congo Basin forest is the second largest contiguous tropical forest in the world and plays a key role in securing the livelihoods of Central African citizens. The forest also provides critical habitat for biodiversity conservation, and supplies…
The Central European University (CEU) was founded in 1991 and is known for excellence in teaching and research—with purpose. At the core of its mission lies a set of principles: the pursuit of truth wherever it leads, respect for the diversity of…