Sri Lanka National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI - MLLD Sri Lanka)

Screenshot of Sri Lanka National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI)
Data provided by:Ministry of Land and Land Development of Sri Lanka (MLLD Sri Lanka)
Data accessibility:Exportar datos
Link to the data:
Requirements:Satellite data can be viewed by users on request with the approval of the Surveyor General at CRS Branch.
File type:GeoTIFF, tiff
Data type:Datos satelitales o imágenes aéreas
Hazard:Forest Fire, Drought, Volcanic Eruption, Earthquake, Mass Movement, Tsunami, Flood, Severe Storm
Disaster cycle phase:Gestión des Riesgo por Desastres
Satellites and Sensors:QuickBird-2 (BGIS2000), IRS-1C, 1D (LISS-III)
Spatial coverage:Sri Lanka
Spatial resolution:2.50
Temporal coverage:Archivado
Content dates:1999 - present
Technical Specifications:
Costs:De forma gratuita con restricciones
Contact:Contact the Survey Department