United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs / UN-SPIDER
Ministry of Civil Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Department of Treaty and Law, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China
Department of Systems Engineering, China National Space Administration (CNSA)
Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organization (APSCO)
The Office for Outer Space Affairs conducted the “United Nations International Conference on Space-based Technologies for Disaster Risk Reduction – ‘Understanding Disaster Risk’” in Beijing from 19 to 21 September 2016. The conference was organised by the UN-SPIDER Beijing Office and follows five conferences held since 2011.Previous conferences covered the themes of “Best practices for risk reduction and rapid response mapping” in 2011, “Risk assessment in the context of global climate change” in 2012, “Disaster risk identification, assessment and monitoring” in 2013, “Multi-hazard disaster risk assessment” in 2014 and “A consolidating role in the implementation of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030” in 2015. These conferences offered a forum for disaster management communities and experts to strengthen their capabilities in using space-based information to identify, assess, monitor and respond to disaster risks and integrate space technology into long-term disaster risk management efforts.
The conference built upon the outcomes of 5th UN-SPIDER Conference-COPUOS which was conducted in Beijing in 2015 that was used to discuss the role of Earth observation in the implementation of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030.
The conference provided recommendations related to Priority 1 of the Sendai Framework “Understanding disaster risk”. It addressed the role of Earth observation in monitoring indicators against the global targets of the Sendai Framework. In addition, it provided guidelines, technical knowledge and recommendations to Member States to implement the Sendai Framework. Furthermore. The conference was used to discuss a strategic work plan and its implementation, building on 10 years of achievements of UN-SPIDER. The outcome document of the conference will be presented in subcommittees of COPUOS and will feed into the UNISPACE+50 process. It will also provide valuable inputs to the Asian Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (AMCDRR) planned from 2-5 November 2016 in New Delhi, India.
For additional information on the conference regarding its sessions, expected outcomes, and other logistical issues; please review the Information Note.
Presentations made during the conference can be found below:
Conference sessions
Plenary Session 1: Building on UN-SPIDER 10 Years Acheivements
Plenary Session 2: Risk Assessment and Mapping Using Earth Observation Data
Risk mapping is the output of risk assessment which provides visual information needed by disaster managers and the community. There were discussions about applied research and development on the approaches, models, methodologies, tools, standards, service platforms, operational projects related to risk assessment and mapping. The issues related to the risk assessment and mapping, especially the experiences on how to improve the effectiveness of maps and efficiency of the mapping service, was also discussed during this session. The session will address the role of the space-based information, advances in remote sensing data, information products, and software/tools used for risk assessment, data visualization and data dissemination.
Plenary Session 3: Access to data and Information for Risk Assessment
The session explored various types of space-based and geospatial information needed for risk assessment, access to such information, information available in public domain, ways to share information etc. The session provided exposure to the range of satellite data available and it’s utility to generate products needed for risk assessment. As such, the session contributed to “Capacity-building for the 21st Century” of UNISPACE+50 which aims, amongst other goals, at universal access to information. The Sendai Framework recognizes the value of space-based technology and Earth observation for disaster management and emergency response because they pave the way for building more resilient societies through effective disaster risk management
Plenary Session 4: Empowering the Communities to prepare for Disasters
This session focused on latest trends and developments in establishing national spatial data infrastructure, new methods, data framework and ways of integrating data available with multiple stakeholders. The session highlighted the importance of data standards and data framework needed for any national disaster management agency and also there were discussions on the ways to get these standards in place.
Plenary Session 5: Networking and Engagement with the UN-SPIDER Network
Zhou Chenghu (Academician): Comprehensive Remote Sensing Monitoring | Download |
Shirish Ravan (UN-SPIDER): Understanding Disaster Risk through Earth Observation | Download |
SESSION 1: BUILDING on UN-SPIDER 10 year's achievements | |
Juan Carlos Villagran (UN-SPIDER): UN-SPIDER's First Decade: Defining the Path for an Improved Understanding of Risks Through Space-Based Information | Download |
Arijit Roy (ISRO): Capacity Building Towards Space Based Disaster Risk Reduction in Asia Pacific: 2006-2016 | Download |
Li Suju (NDRCC): Practic on a Decade of Using Satellite-based Information for Emergency Response Support in China | Download |
Deo Raj Gurung (ICIMOD): Engagement with UN-SPIDER in South Asia Region: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal y Myanmar | Download |
Peeran Towashirapon (ADPC): Risk Assessment and Mapping Using Earth Observation Data | Download |
Ma Yuling (NDRCC): Major Disaster Loss Assessment in China | Download |
Gao Yanhua (Ministry of Environmental Protection, China) Ecological Monitoring and Assessment of Natural Disasters By Remote Sensing: A case work of Ludian earthquake | Download |
Md. Reaz Ahmed (Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief, Bangladesh) Use of Space-based Technology and ICT in Disaster Management in Bangladesh | Download |
Pravati, Sofan (LAPAN): Utilization of Remote Sensing Technology in Support of Disaster management Efforts in Indonesia | Download |
Cristano Giovando (HOT): OpenStreetMap for Humanitarian Response and Understnading Disaster Risk | Download |
Huazhong Ren (Peking University): Building and Road Earthquake Damage Detection Using High Spatial Resolution Remote Sensing Image | Download |
Abdolreza Ansari Amoli (Iranian Space Agency): Risk Assessment and Mapping Using Earth Observation Data in Iran | Download |
Zhenhong Li (Newcastle University): Use of Satellite Radar Observations for Earthquake Response and Risk Assessments | Download |
Huan Wu (ESSIC UMD/NASA GSFC, USA): The Global Flood Monitoring System (GFMS) on recent flood events in southern United States | Download |
Fabio Giulio Tonolo (ITHACA, Italy): Processing and sharing of space-based geospatial information for Disaster Management | Download |
Xiang Fang (CMA, China): Use of Satellite Data in Emergency Situations in CMA | Download |
Giriraj Amarnath (IWMI, Sri Lanka): Global Data and Tools for Flood and Drought Risk Assessment in Asia and Africa | Download |
Wen Jiahong (Shangai Normal University, China): Mapping Urban Population Distribution Based on Remote Sensing and GIS | Download |
James Hagen (Sainit Xavier University, USA): Integration of Enhanced Data Sources into a Standarized Geospatial System for Multiple Stakeholders | Download |
Zhao Wenbo (China national Sapce Administration, China): Status and Data Applications of China High-resolution Earth Observation System | Download |
Syed Ahmed (ESCAP): Overview of ESCAP: ICT and Disaster Risk REduction Divison (IDD) | Download |
John Marinos (OCHA, Thailand): Emregency Response and Preparedness. A "new" way of responding to disasters | Download |
Jianping Yan (Rodel Risk Solution, Canada): Building National Data Infrastructure for Dynamic Risk Assessment: Framework, Methodology and Practice | Download |
Regional Support Offices | |
Peeranan Towashiraporn (ADPC). RSO Update | Download |
Kazuhito Ueda (ADRC). Annual Report on RSO Activity | Download |
Fatemeh Fereydooni. RSO Iranian Sapce Office | Download |
Countries Working With UN-SPIDER | |
Thiri Maung (Myanmar). Enhancing Space-based Disaster Management System in Myanmar | Download |
Edoh Yao Kiatchey (Ghana). Living with the Risk | Download |
John Njoroge Kimani (Kenya). Update from Kenya | Download |
Igor Honwana (Mozambique). Use of Space Technology and Disaster Risk Assessment in Mozambique | Download |
Other Organizations | |
Georgi Korolev. (EMERCOM) Forecasting, Prevention, Protection of Floods and Fires, with the Use of Space Monitoring System | Download |
Sujuan Zhang (UNDP, China). United Nations Disaster Management Team in China | Download |
Weng Jingnong (UNOOSA). Introduction to the UN regional Centre at Beihang University, China | Download |
Budhaditya Pyne, Space Innovation Policy for Disaster Management Capabilities – SIPDMC, University of Tokyo | Download |
Breakout Session 1: Monitoring Indicators Against the Global Targets of the Sendai Framework for disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 | |
Breakout Session 2: Procedural Guidelines for Sharing Space-Based Information During Emregency Response (Reference to Priority 4 of the Sendai Framework for DRR 2015-2030 | |
Fabio Giulio Tonolo (ITHACA): The International Working Group on Satellite-based Emergency Mapping (IWG-SEM) proposal | Download |
Meimei Leung (World Vision International): Information Management in Disaster Management | Download |
Kazuhito Ueda (ADRC): Lessons from Sentinel Asia Operations: towards more effective human resource development | Download |
Wang Wei (NDRCC): An Intelligent Mobile Terminal Application-Field Survey System for Disaster Management | Download |
Titus Aabetuurpuor Kuuyuor (UNDP): Understanding Disaster Risk | Download |
Breakout Session 3: Crowdsourcing Mapping for Risk Assessment and Emergency Response | |
Edoh Yaho Kiatchey (ACDCO): Aftermath of the Ghana Technical Advisory Mission (TAM) | Download |
Rajib Shaw (IRDR): Strengthen Scientific Advisory Capacities for Disaster Risk Reduction | Download |
International training programme
22 to 27 September 2016
An International Training Programme was organised for 23 participants of the conference with the support of the Asia Pacific Space Cooperation Organisation (APSCO) and the National Disaster Reduction Centre of China (NDRCC).
Title: International Training Course on Space-based Technologies for Flood and Drought Monitoring and Risk Assessment
Point of Contact
Administrative matters:
Ms. Yuan GAO (yuan.gao [at] unoosa.org (yuan[dot]gao[at]unoosa[dot]org) Tel: +86 10 5281 1371)
Technical matters:
Ms. Tong TANG (tong.tang [at] unoosa.org (tong[dot]tang[at]unoosa[dot]org), Tel: +86 10 5281 1372 )
If necessary, cc your mails to Mr. Shirish Ravan (shirish.ravan [at] unoosa.org (shirish[dot]ravan[at]unoosa[dot]org))